Köln: 23.–26.02.2027 #AnugaFoodTec2027

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Pressefach von PIM SRL Unipersonale

10.1 G41
PIM SRL Unipersonale
Ansprechpartner für die Presse:
Alessandro Caira
Via Circonvallazione Est 32
PIM, 20 years of experience in Food Technology PIM, founded in 2017 in Castelfranco Veneto (TV), Italy, is a company specialized in the development of innovative patented technologies for food production, which bases its know-how on twenty years of experience of its partners, technicians and designers in the modernization, revamping and automation of systems for the production of agri-food products. This extended vision, combined with knowledge of the market and its evolution, has led the Company to invest in the Research and Development of advanced solutions, capable of responding to the growing needs in terms of efficiency, productivity and energy saving. Thus the HSCD – High Speed Cold system was born Dryer – a revolutionary internationally patented food drying technology capable of combining sustainability, production efficiency and high quality of the finished product. At PIM, capacity, innovation and competence are linked to a strong ethical vision. The objective has always been to enable customers to produce better and in a more sustainable way. Innovation and upcycling are themes that guide the Company towards a commitment to development capable of combining performance, competitiveness and protection of resources and the environment. HSCD Technology radically changes the traditional production model, with the belief that the market needs to adapt as soon as possible to a more sustainable and respectful approach and that it will enthusiastically welcome a proposal that allows producers in the agri-food sector to obtain enormous benefits in terms of of energy saving and production quality deriving from a high-speed and low-temperature drying system, with all the known advantages with respect to the organoleptic and nutritional qualities, typical of the artisanal product and, moreover, compliant with the requirements of Industry 5.0 and the Regulation NZIA.
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