Köln: 23.–26.02.2027 #AnugaFoodTec2027

DE Icon Pfeil Icon Pfeil
DE Element 13300 Element 12300 EN


10.1 E100
Ansprechpartner für die Presse:
Francesco Piazza
Via dei Colli 66
Bertuzzi is an Italian Group worldwide leader in designing and manufacturing machines and complete plants for the Food & Beverage industry. Bertuzzi Group is composed of Bertuzzi Food Processing & Newpack. Bertuzzi Food Processing offers cutting edge technology for the fruit and vegetable processing industry and complete plants for formulated products. In particular, BERTUZZI designs, manufactures, and supplies plants and machines to transform any type of fruit into juices (clear, cloudy, pulpy), concentrates, nectars, baby food, jams, ready-made drinks, and in general any fruit/ vegetable base products including ketchup, tomato paste, sauces, yoghurt, basis for yoghurt, milk condensate UHT, etc. Bertuzzi is also WORLDWIDE LEADER in the transformation of any type of tropical fruit, designing and manufacturing both complete lines and single machines. Bertuzzi designed and developed UNIQUE and innovative technologies for the JUICE EXTRACTION of the tropical fruits in order to maximize juices/purees yield and quality. With its solid background of over 30 years in the packaging market, Newpack operates in the food and beverage packaging industry offering integrated solution for the primary and secondary packaging. Starting from individual thermoforming machines, available in high-clean, ultraclean and aseptic versions Newpack Form-Fill-Seal packaging machines are suitable for filling a wide range of products, such as liquid and semi-liquid dairy products, beverages, baby food, fruit purees.

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