Köln: 23.–26.02.2027 #AnugaFoodTec2027

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DE Element 13300 Element 12300 EN


In the modern fruits/vegetables processing industry the need of diversification in order to process various types of raw material is becoming a must. Bertuzzi Food Processing has an extensive experience in designing and manufacturing flexible and versatile plant in which a certain number of key equipment are optimized to process various types of raw material (typical examples are the heat exchange equipment, the aseptic filler, the washing / sorting lines etc.) and to include dedicated machines to process specific raw material. The use of dedicated machines is essential to maximize the yield and the quality of the obtained juice.

Bertuzzi supplies performing and reliable ketchup and vegetable sauces production lines according to the most advanced technology and designed to meet the most stringent hygienic international requirements. Bertuzzi’s solutions are extremely flexible being able to process various recipes: with or without thickeners, with or without vegetable particles, with or without preservatives, filling at cold or hot temperature, etc.

Bertuzzi has a long-lasting experience in designing and manufacturing EVAPORATORS available in different technologies according to the final product type.

Zeus – forced circulation

Eolo – falling film

Luber – thin film

Heka Multiflow – the best combination of technologies dedicated to your product - as our recente installation of a


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