Köln: 23.–26.02.2027 #AnugaFoodTec2027

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Madefrigor srl, specialized in industrial refrigeration, manufactures systems for all areas of the agri-food sector, differing according to the scope of application.

Madefrigor srl, specialized in industrial refrigeration, manufactures systems for all areas of the agri-food sector, differing according to the scope of application.

We guarantee the temperature control, during all stages of processing and the management of thermo-hygrometric parameters during the drying, maturing and refining of cheeses. Once installed, our air conditioning equipment ensures controlled temperature and air filtration up to very high classes.

We offer a range of proposals, based on our expert know-how and a team of specialists who are fully aware of the hygiene-health issues and variables that affect the biochemical processes of transformation of milk constituents.

 The quality and characteristics of the cheese depend on several factors related to the ripening, such as its structure, appearance, composition, aroma and scent. Relying on Madefrigor for the management of these elements is fundamental, since the company specializes in the production of innovative and effective systems for the aging of cheese, ensuring complete support at every stage of the project, from the start until final testing.

One of Madefrigor’s most significant innovations is the Vertical Air System, a revolutionary system for curing cheeses such as Grana Padano and Parmigiano Reggiano. This technology effectively solves the problems of traditional refrigeration systems, allowing the creation of high quality products with the desired organoleptic characteristics and without defects.

Madefrigor remains a leader in the field of industrial refrigeration, especially in the dairy sector, thanks to its ability to innovate and adapt to the needs of the market. With bespoke solutions, precise control and cutting-edge technology, the company continues to lead the industry towards new standards of excellence and quality.

Zum Pressefach von Madefrigor Srl.

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