Köln: 23.–26.02.2027 #AnugaFoodTec2027

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Pressefach von Madefrigor Srl.

6.1 C80
Madefrigor Srl.
Ansprechpartner für die Presse:
Madefrigor Srl.
Via Francesco Petrarca snc
Madefrigor S.r.l., a leading company in the industrial refrigeration sector in Italy and worldwide, has been operating for over 50 years of activity in the world of industrial refrigeration systems. In Particular, It works in the food and agriculture, logistics and chemical and pharmaceutical industries. Our aim is to give our customers a wide range of solutions and advantages by reducing overall costs and maintaining the high quality of the machines and performances. From drying and maturation systems for cheese and cured meats, to cold storage for meat, ripening tropical fruit or degreening citrus fruit, We implement projects that are respectful of the environment and strive for maximum efficiency and energy savings. Our dynamic design process has led to a range of innovative creations such as the Vertical Air System and even the acquisition of CTM, a leading manufacturer of refrigeration units and storage, to expand our range of products and services. Today, Madefrigor’s production process is focused on natural refrigerants such as ammonia, CO2 and propane: a green approach to the sale of industrial refrigeration systems. We are at the complete service for every type of request. Our technical department evaluates the needs of the customer and designs the machines in detail. In the workshop, highly skilled workers and certified welders provide assembly. Once the machine is finished, the necessary operations for certification and blank testing are carried out. Madefrigor does not manufacture standard machines but customized products directed to every single need of the compartments or sectors that work with the cold.
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