Köln: 23.–26.02.2027 #AnugaFoodTec2027

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Pressefach von KMA Umwelttechnik GmbH

9.1 E39
KMA Umwelttechnik GmbH
Ansprechpartner für die Presse:
Friederike Schmedding
Eduard-Rhein-Straße 2
53639 Königswinter
Bundesrepublik Deutschland
Clean air. Save energy. KMA offers a wide range of solutions for exhaust air filtration, odour separation and heat recovery in food production. As an expert in innovative exhaust air technology, KMA supports its customers in the highly efficient separation of emissions, odours and volatile organic substances (VOCs) at production plants in order to comply with the official emission limits (TA Luft). The sustainable environmental technology significantly reduces the energy requirements of exhaust air filtration systems by up to 80% compared to a thermal oxidiser (TO). Exemplary emission limits, tangible energy cost benefits and an improved carbon footprint are in line with a green value chain. In addition to exhaust air solutions for frying lines, roasting systems, smokehouses and spray dryers, KMA offers customised systems for cooking and baking systems, food drying and roasting plants. The functional modules of the KMA exhaust air filter systems can be combined according to requirements and processes. In addition to a high-performance electrostatic filter for effective particle separation, KMA offers additional solutions with UV light modules and catalytic carbon for the effective separation of VOCs and odours. In addition, each system can be equipped with intelligent heat exchanger technology for powerful heat recovery of valuable process heat. Replace your TO – we’ll advise you without obligation! kma-filter.com
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