Köln: 23.–26.02.2027 #AnugaFoodTec2027

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We are pleased to introduce our company specializing in the production of gearboxes and electric motors made from stainless steel and aluminum.

With a design specifically tailored for use in aggressive environments and hygiene requirements, we take pride in offering high-quality products that meet the needs of our customers.

Here are some key points that set us apart:

Quality Materials 316L
Our gearboxes and electric motors are crafted from top-grade materials: stainless steel and aluminum with a protective coating for high resistance.
These materials ensure corrosion resistance and durability over time.

Environmentally Resilient Design
We understand the importance of reliable performance in challenging conditions. Each product has been meticulously designed to withstand wear, moisture, and aggressive substances commonly found in industrial environments.

 Always Available Components
We maintain all components in stock to ensure swift delivery. No need to worry about extended lead times.

Italian Quality Production
Our manufacturing process takes place entirely in Italy. We are committed to upholding the highest quality standards and supporting the local industry.

Tailored Customization
Every customer has unique requirements. We offer the flexibility to customize our products to meet specific needs, based on min. quantity.

We are a company dedicated to excellence, customer satisfaction, and the production of reliable gearboxes and electric motors.

Feel free to contact us for further information.

Zum Pressefach von Hydro-Mec S.p.a.

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