Köln: 23.–26.02.2027 #AnugaFoodTec2027

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Pressefach von Volta Belting Technology B.V.

10.1 G31
Volta Belting Technology B.V.
Ansprechpartner für die Presse:
Sandra Jalocha
IJzersteden 18
Volta Belting Technology has been changing the belting industry since 1965, thanks to the people behind the scenes and their technological expertise and know-how. With customers in industries across more than 50 countries, Volta provides high-quality products and services for companies in many industries and for a wide variety of applications. A the world-leading manufacturers of Thermoplastic Elastomer conveyor belts, Volta Belting Technology produces innovative belts with inbuilt economies that offer technical benefits and significant savings for customers. As a market leader, Volta offers the largest product range available for all TPE belt types, including round and trapezoid profiles, flat conveyor belts and Positive Drive technologies. Industries: Our products and services are used in a wide variety of industries, including food processing industries, wood processing, glass production, packaging, metalworking, automotive (stamping), ceramics, chemicals, fertilizers and recycling. Global services: We provide technical and sales support to OEMs, have an extensive distribution network across all continents, and offer in-house training in the art of TPE fabrication at our European and North American workshops. Certifications: Most of the food grade belts manufactured by Volta Belting Technology comply with strict international regulations and standards. They are FDA, USDA and EC certified, and support HACCP principles. Volta TPE belts are also recognized as ensuring the highest level of hygiene. Advanced technology: Our homogeneous belts are known for their highly durable materials, dimensional exactitude, and superior stability. They are cut- and wear-resistant, impervious to water, oils and other fluids, easy to install on-site, and easy to repair if damaged. All positive drive flat belts are designed to overcome the shortcomings of conventional conveyor belts.

Vorhandene Pressemitteilungen

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Aussteller: Volta Belting Technology B.V.

SuperDrive™ , Montag, 20. November 2023, 11:11, 351 Zeichen

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