Köln: 23.–26.02.2027 #AnugaFoodTec2027

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ProCut EASY Complete Food Processing Plants

ProCut Easy is the new Industrial Vacuum Cooker for Sauces, Jams and Marmalades production.
It has been designed to obtain a high quality finished product starting directly from the raw material, differentiating itself from the competition for the quality of the components and for the completely internal manufacturing.
It is complete with all the features related to industrial production starting with accessories, general ergonomics and the level of automation.

With ProCut Easy you can:cut, mix, cook up to 120°C, homogenize, concentrate, cook under vacuum cool the product.
In this way the product is ready for the filling phase without further steps.
Two models are proposed: 60 liters and 100 liters with an installed power of 28 kW in the first and 37 kW in the second.
ProCut Easy Industrial Vacuum Cooker offers the user the advantage of creating exclusive recipes and giving space to their imagination, obtaining a unique product.

Zum Pressefach von Inox-Fer s.r.l.

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