Köln: 23.–26.02.2027 #AnugaFoodTec2027

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TEINCO Thermal processing specialists

Press Release – TEINCO's Participation in ANUGA FOOD TEC
At the heart of the food industry, the Anuga FoodTec trade fair becomes the epicenter of
innovation. On this occasion, TEINCO, a leader in the manufacturing of specialized machinery
and food safety services, will leave an indelible mark with its participation.
The fair, gathering experts, professionals, and key companies in the food sector, provides
TEINCO with a platform to present its latest innovations in cutting-edge machinery and
specialized services.
Commitment to Innovation:
TEINCO's booth at the fair will stand out for welcoming its visitors, who will have the
opportunity to explore the range of products and services that TEINCO offers, from food
processing machinery to advanced validation and quality control solutions.
Cutting-Edge Machinery:
One of the highlights will be the presentation of TEINCO's latest Autoclave lines designed to
optimize production processes, improve efficiency, and ensure the quality of the final product.
They will also showcase other innovative systems that demonstrate TEINCO's ability to adapt to
the changing demands of the market.
Food Safety Services:
Food safety is a central concern in the industry, and TEINCO has demonstrated leadership in
this aspect. They will present and detail comprehensive food safety services, including audits,
staff training, consultancy, and thermal process validation services as an FDA process authority.
These services aim to ensure that companies meet the strictest standards and protect the
health and well-being of consumers.
Strategic Collaborations:
During the fair, TEINCO will also announce new strategic collaborations with leading companies
in the food industry. These partnerships aim to further strengthen TEINCO's position as a
leader in offering comprehensive and customized solutions in the field of thermal treatment
for food preservation.
Statements from the CEO:
TEINCO's CEO, David Brunet, expressed his enthusiasm for participating in the fair, highlighting
the importance of innovation and food safety in the current landscape. "At TEINCO, we are
committed to excellence and customer satisfaction. The ANUGA FOOD TEC fair gives us the
opportunity to showcase our ongoing commitment to innovation and food safety."
TEINCO's participation in the ANUGA FOOD TEC fair will not only be a showcase of its latest
innovations but also a statement of its commitment to continuous improvement and food
safety. As one of the industry leaders, TEINCO continues to set the pace, offering solutions that
exceed expectations and contributing to the sustainable growth of the food industry.

Zum Pressefach von Automatismos Teinco S.L.

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