Köln: 23.–26.02.2027 #AnugaFoodTec2027

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Biomashin is the first company, which builds a comprehensive ESG strategy and calculates its carbon footprint

Being the first is difficult, responsible, even a little scary, but also exciting, interesting and even brave.

Biomashin look beyond today to their impact and influence on the environment and society in the future. They are the first company of this scale in Bulgaria, and in the sector as a whole, which builds a comprehensive ESG strategy and calculates its carbon footprint. What's more, they are developing a tool that will help their customers compare and choose that product that has the least ecosystem impact.

The project was financed by the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development with a percentage of Biomashin's own participation, and the work on the strategy was entrusted to the consultants from denkstatt.

Biomashin is well known as a leading manufacturer of technological equipment from stainless steel for the food and pharmaceutical industries, such as process tanks and evaporators, but now they will be recognized also as a company that is aware of its impact, its responsibility for the future and that is part of the change towards sustainable development.

For more information about Biomashin and its range of process equipment and its applications, please check our website https://biomashin.com/en or visit our Stand H 05.1 | S B050.

Zum Pressefach von Biomashinostroene AD

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