Köln: 23.–26.02.2027 #AnugaFoodTec2027

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Intuitive biosensor to measure the sugar content of oat drinks

OatSens is the latest groundbreaking biosensor assay kit introduced by DirectSens, specifically tailored for on-site sugar determination in oat beverage and cereal-based beverage manufacturing. This innovative product represents a significant advancement in the field of biosensor technology, addressing a critical need in the rapidly expanding market for plant-based beverages.

Launched as a response to the growing demand for healthier alternatives to traditional dairy products, OatSens offers beverage manufacturers a reliable and efficient solution for sugar determination. By providing real-time measurements of glucose and maltose levels, OatSens empowers producers to monitor and control the sugar content of their products with precision and accuracy.

The user-friendly design and intuitive interface of OatSens make it accessible to operators of all skill levels, streamlining the testing process and minimizing the need for specialized training. Its robust and resilient biosensors ensure consistent and dependable performance, even in the most demanding production environments.

Since its introduction, OatSens has quickly gained traction among oat beverage and cereal-based beverage manufacturers, establishing itself as the preferred method for sugar determination in these industries. Its ability to deliver fast, accurate results has enabled producers to optimize their formulations, meet regulatory requirements, and satisfy consumer preferences for healthier, lower-sugar options.

As consumer awareness of health and wellness continues to grow, the demand for plant-based beverages is expected to increase significantly in the coming years. With OatSens, DirectSens is poised to play a pivotal role in this burgeoning market, providing beverage manufacturers with the tools they need to meet the evolving needs of consumers while ensuring the highest standards of quality and consistency.

Zum Pressefach von DirectSens GmbH

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