Köln: 23.–26.02.2027 #AnugaFoodTec2027

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Nordson Measurement & Control Solutions Expands InfraLab Analyzer Family with New Top-Loader Model

Nordson Measurement & Control Solutions (formerly NDC Technologies) has launched a new, improved at-line analyzer to help food companies maximize their process performance and KPIs.

In 2022, Nordson introduced the InfraLab Series 9, an innovative at-line analyzer that combines the best features of the previous model, the InfraLab e-Series, with the expanded capabilities of the Series 9 on-line gauge. Over the past two years, the InfraLab Series 9 has established itself as a valuable measurement device in the food, bulk, and tobacco industries thanks to its user-friendly design and ability to simultaneously measure moisture, fat/oil, protein, and other key constituents straight out of the box. Building on this success, Nordson has taken this one step forward by expanding the InfraLab Series 9 family with a brand-new model, the InfraLab Series 9 Top-Loader.

The Top-Loader is an advanced analyzer that can measure color as well as moisture, fat/oil, and protein in five seconds. Designed to facilitate sample presentation and reduce human error, it is ideal for powders, ground products, beans, grains, semi-solid, and sheet products. It replaces time-consuming laboratory or at-line instrument methods while providing deeper process insight, which significantly reduces operational expenditure (OPEX). Overall, the InfraLab family offers greater processing power and measurement capability, making it an excellent choice for companies looking to improve their operational efficiency.

More information can be found on: https://www.ndc.com/food-bulk-materials-processing/products/food/infralab-series-9-top-loader/

Zum Pressefach von NDC Technologies Ltd

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