Köln: 23.–26.02.2027 #AnugaFoodTec2027

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Andropack will present its new case packer for stand-up pouches, RCP-SP 120, to the food industry during this year’s Anuga Food Tec, March 19-22. The features of the extremely compact, efficient, and cost-saving solution to pack various packages vertically will be first introduced at Booth A078 - B079.

Using robots to insert products into cases vertically has higher rates of preferability as being a more reliable alternative, particularly for manufacturers who have unstable product and package types that are more likely to slip. Designed to run at an output of 120 products per minute with an integrated robotic case erector, RCP-SP 120, provides a new, compact solution to automate both the feeding cartons into the machine with perfectly aligned sides and the case packing process itself.

The fundamental concept driving the design remains the same: providing a highly reliable and flexible solution occupying the least amount of space, which saves time, lowers overall operational costs, and maximizes efficiency. The entire equipment of the machine is optimized with the aim of meeting all the specific requirements of manufacturers and handling the challenges they face in the best possible way. In this regard, not just all parts are easily adjustable, but also user-friendly HMI integrated into the machine ensures the ability to control all the machine functions and to set the production parameters, and variables by providing easy access.

Through round-the-clock remote troubleshooting, users can rely on professional technical support if any issues arise with the machine's functioning or the overall status of the end-of-line process itself.

For further information or inquiries, please get in touch with info@andropack.com

Zum Pressefach von Kansan Makina Kagit San. ve

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