Köln: 23.–26.02.2027 #AnugaFoodTec2027

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Last year, Andropack introduced its latest innovation - the Andropal-C, a cobot palletizer, to the packaging industry. Showcased at Interpack 2023 in Düsseldorf, this cutting-edge machine captured the great attention of visitors and was welcomed as a game-changer in palletizing operations with the exceptional advantages it provides. After its remarkable first appearance, now it's getting ready to be showcased at Anuga Food Tec on March 19-22, 2024, in Cologne.

Perfectly designed with the Fanuc CRX-25iA model of the collaborative robot and equipped with high-end technology, this palletizer introduces businesses with new opportunities to elevate their end-of-line operations to an entirely new level of operational efficiency. While operating within an incredibly compact footprint of 2600 mm x 1200 mm, the machine achieves a palletizing rate of up to 10 cycles per minute, reaching a stack height of 2 meters for boxes, cartons, and bags each weighing up to 25 kg. 

Besides operational capabilities, Andropal-C reveals a new concept of “fenceless safety.” Unlike traditional palletizing units, the sensors together with the area scanners make the palletizing unit highly reliable as regards working with humans. This not only enables full-speed palletizing without barriers, which reduces unplanned downtime, but also assists the machine in detecting collision scenarios and safely stops it if any external forces are detected.

With all the features minimizing total costs while extending overall efficiency, it promises to revolutionize the way businesses handle their palletizing processes.

For further information or inquiries, please get in touch with info@andropack.com

Zum Pressefach von Kansan Makina Kagit San. ve

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