Köln: 23.–26.02.2027 #AnugaFoodTec2027

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Andropack, a subsidiary of the Kansan Group with expertise in manufacturing robotic end-of-line machinery, will be represented for the first time at Anuga Food Tec, being held on 19-22 March 2024 in Cologne. At one of the most crucial international meeting platforms covering all aspects of food and beverage production, visitors can find Andropack at Hall 7.1, A078 B079 to share special insights into the latest innovations in the industry.

On-site, visitors will not just have an opportunity to witness two high-end machines in action, but will also get expert guidance about innovative end-of-line solutions and their possible applications. With three decades of experience in machinery, the consultants will provide important insights into the advantages of automating end-of-line processes with complete robotic solutions. 

Machines to be showcased include Andropal-C, the cobot palletizer, which brings palletizing process compactness, high efficiency, and advanced safety, and RCP-SP 120, a case packer designed to efficiently pack a diverse range of packages vertically with remarkable versatility. Another emphasis will be put on the presentation of Andropack’s new multipack machine. Distinguished from mechanical flow-wrapping solutions with its robotic infeed, Andropack’s Multipack Machine provides new approaches in getting additional flexibility to food manufacturers who confront operational challenges when it comes to packing a variety of product types.

To guide visitors about all these challenges and solutions in the industry, Andropack’s dedicated consultants waiting to welcome all manufacturers looking for highly flexible, cost-saving, and efficient end-of-line operations in the food industry.

For further information or inquiries, please get in touch with info@andropack.com

Zum Pressefach von Kansan Makina Kagit San. ve

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