Köln: 23.–26.02.2027 #AnugaFoodTec2027

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Steam Injection Meets Demands of ‘Plant Milk’ Producers

Developed in response to the rising global demand for plant-based ‘milk’ drinks and products, the HRS DSI Direct Steam Injection pasteuriser or steriliser is proving popular with manufacturers around the world.

The benefit of sterilising using direct steam injection is the speed of the process, with sterilisation temperatures of 100 to 145 °C. being reached in around a second, much quicker than the fastest heat exchanger systems. The faster the product is heated and cooled, the less impact the heat has on the product – in the case of plant-based drinks this can include discolouration, caramelisation, and the introduction of off-tastes.

Grain-based products such as oat milk also benefit from the additional dilution with water which the steam injection provides. In situations where the water added during the steam injection process needs to be removed, this is usually achieved using flash evaporation which also helps cool the product.

The HRS DSI injects food grade steam into liquid products, providing an instant increase in the thermal process. Direct steam injection isn’t just limited to the production of plant milk. It is also suitable for a range of extended shelf life (ESL) dairy products as well as ow viscosity products with small particulates such as soups and sauces, non-dairy creams, and starch-based products.

A number of HRS DSI units are now operational around the world, and the hygienic stainless steel DSI can be supplied on its own, or with heat exchangers for pre-heating and final cooling to provide a complete UHT (ultra-heat treatment) system for plant-based products.

Learn more about the HRS DSI Direct Steam Injection pasteuriser or steriliser on Stand A080 in Hall 4.1 at Angua FoodTec, Koelnmesse Cologne, 19-22 March 2024.

Zum Pressefach von HRS Heat Exchangers

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