Köln: 23.–26.02.2027 #AnugaFoodTec2027

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Biomashin supplies process equipment for state-of-the-art biorefinery in Germany

Biomashin, a leading provider of technological equipment for the dairy, food-processing and pharma industries, is pleased to announce that they produced the process equipment for state-of-the-art biorefinery in Germany. "Together with our customer, we create the future beyond fossils. Their biochemicals are made from responsibly sourced hardwood and have a radically improved CO2 footprint, in comparison with the fossil-based alternatives.", said Mrs. Gergana Filipova, Business Development Manager in the company. "Bioeconomy inspires us and we are proud to have the opportunity to contribute for the creation of the biochemicals industry of tomorrow."

Biomashin already produced dozens of pieces of products, such as evaporators, separators and condensers as well as process and storage tanks for this project. They are considered to be pioneers of technology in Bulgaria and are recognized by partners and customers as a hub of excellence for technological equipment in Europe.

For more information about Biomashin and its range of process equipment and its applications, please check our website https://biomashin.com/en or visit our Stand H 05.1 | S B050.

Zum Pressefach von Biomashinostroene AD

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