Köln: 23.–26.02.2027 #AnugaFoodTec2027

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Montelektro presents Digital Factory Portal – DFP, an Industry 4.0 platform by Montelektro

Montelektro has provided industrial automation and IT services to the food and beverage industries worldwide for over 33 years, primarily focusing on brewing. Based on the company's long-standing presence at the top of the world's brewing industrial automation market and understanding of the industry's particularities, Montelektro has developed an Industry 4.0 platform - Digital Factory Portal. This software solution adequately responds to the increasing industry's demands for its digital transformation.



This Manufacturing Execution System (MES) solution collects, saves, and analyzes a large amount of the production process data during all production phases -

from raw material intake until the end product is ready for market placement. With its standard modules and additional options adapted to the Clients' needs, DFP gives companies a detailed, quick, real-time overview of a complete process. It also helps detect the causes of production problems at an early stage, such as bottlenecks and downtime.


Being seamlessly integrated with PCS and ERP, Digital Factory Portal provides immediate traceability and product genealogy. It coordinates and connects all the units in the process and controls and analyzes product quality; DFP also enables energy usage tracking, optimization of maintenance activities, and support of transport and shipping. That way, it helps companies reduce costs and energy consumption, manage their business, and fulfill their goals efficiently.

Zum Pressefach von MONTELEKTRO d.o.o.

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