Köln: 23.–26.02.2027 #AnugaFoodTec2027

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Fasa Company

FASA Today
FASA manufactures high quality dosing and packaging equipment for dairy products. With more than 63 years in dairy industry, the company has gained huge experience in the packaging sector. FASA is well known worldwide in the dairy industry. Dairies from more than 89 countries trust FASA. At the beginning of the company there was a mass production of equipment for food industry. The situation in the market has changed during 63 years. That is why currently equipment is produced for each customer needs. FASA’s packaging equipment is designed for butter, margarine, processed cheese, curd, ice-cream in waffle sandwich, sour cream, yogurt.

Satisfaction of customers’ needs is the priority. We produce modern machinery and regularly modify it so that the manufactured packaging equipment meets customers’ wishes and expectations. Our team communicates with customers, listens to their needs, and tries to make the best offer and solution. Our mission is to create relations with our customers and introduce reliable, high quality and innovative dairy packaging equipment according to the needs of each customer. Day after day we improve, change, try to be modern, listen to the needs and observations of the customers.

High quality 24/7 service
Good Customer Service is a key to happy and loyal customers. We are always ready to provide the customer with possible solutions to their issues, advise and offer our service whenever needed. All FASAs’ equipment is tested with a product in the factory. Our technical team installs and commissions the equipment at the customer’s place and trains customer’s personnel. Our technical team does after-sales service and serves the equipment. We provide warranty, consult, and supply spare parts.
Direct contact with customer is extremely important to keep customer satisfied and tackle any questions which might arise. This has become even more challenging during the Covid-19 pandemic – when travelling around the world is highly restricted, smooth, and quick communication with the customer became more important for installing and commissioning machines, training personnel, and troubleshooting remotely.

Professional team
We want our customers to feel welcome in our company and to trust us. Therefore, FASA managers and engineers create friendly relationships with present and future customers. FASA team is always ready to advise and help to our customers. Our sales managers constantly visit customers dairies and meet them in exhibitions. This keep us close with customers. When traveling is complicated, we are meeting our customers on-line. Otherwise, our local distributors are always ready to help present and future customers in any case.

Metal processing
The modern machineries and tools are used in production. Our equipment is fully manufactured at FASA - from metal cutting, processing to assembly. We have all metal processing facilities from mechanical processing - laser cutting, water cutting, wire cutting, turning, milling, boring, bending, rolling, polishing, welding, surface treatment, powder or wet dyeing, galvanic processing, thermal treatment - to the final product assembling and testing. Properly regulated processes and qualified employees determine the quality of equipment being manufactured. 

Our mission
Our mission is to create relationships with customers and provide reliable, innovative, high quality equipment for dairy products. Satisfaction of customers’ needs is the first priority. Our Sales team builds friendly relationships with present and potential customers, communicates and helps them. We want our customers to feel welcome and to trust our company.

Our vision
Our vision is to create reliable machines for future generations.

Zum Pressefach von FASA AB

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