Köln: 23.–26.02.2027 #AnugaFoodTec2027

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Complete range of valves for pigging systems

Liquid product recovery (pigging system) is used after a product transfer to remove or recover residual liquid
product remaining in the pipeline of a process system.
It’s an extremely effective way to increase product yields, cut waste, speed up changeover times, improve
profits and boost environmental sustainability.
Bardiani piggable valves enable the smooth passage of the hygienic plug (‘pig’) thanks to special design of solid bodies
and shutter.
The valves have a bore the same as that of the pipe and have no obstructions in closed position, too.
This enables the pig, when propelled through the pipeline to easily fit through the valves.
Bardiani unique minimal dead-space valves ensure:
• Maximization of product recovery.
• Easily changeable seals without the need for special tool.
• By reducing waste, water use, cleaning chemical use and subsequent disposal costs, it also helps towards
the company’s environmental sustainability goals.

Zum Pressefach von Bardiani Valvole S.p.A.

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