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Vikan Revolutionises Food and Beverage Cleaning with HyGo Mobile Cleaning Station: Hygiene, Efficiency, and Manoeuvrability in One

Skive, Denmark, March 12, 2024 – Vikan, a global leader in hygienic cleaning solutions, unveils the HyGo Mobile Cleaning Station, a groundbreaking cart designed to elevate cleanliness, maximise efficiency, and conquer space limitations in food and beverage manufacturing. HyGo seamlessly integrates hygiene, efficiency, and manoeuvrability, empowering users to streamline cleaning operations and ensure the highest standards of safety. 
Key Features for Peak Performance: 
Effortless Manoeuvrability: Multi-direction wheels provide ultimate manoeuvrability. Their robust design allows for easy movement across obstacles like drains and door thresholds, and all types of flooring promoting effortless and efficient cleaning workflows.  

Conquer Space Challenges: Compact design effortlessly navigates tight spaces and doorways, ensuring cleaning tools are always within reach, even in space-constrained facilities.  

Boost Efficiency: Spend less time searching for, transporting, and storing cleaning tools. HyGo keeps tools organised and readily accessible, reducing wasted time and effort. 

Colour-Coded: Available in six colours to support colour-coded area and task segregation plans for enhanced contamination prevention. 

Customise to Your Needs: Up to 12 tool storage options with various brackets and trays allowing you adapt to your individual tool storge and cleaning requirements 

Built to Last: The sturdy construction ensures durability for use in demanding environments. HyGo boasts strong storage trays capable of transporting additional cleaning materials, including chemical containers. The top tray can hold 27lbs. (12 kgs) and the bottom tray can hold up to 45 lbs. (20 kg). 

Elevate Cleanliness: Developed with hygienic design principles in mind, featuring smooth surfaces, rounded edges, and minimal harbourage points to allow fast and effective decontamination.  

Quick & Easy Maintenance: Disassemble and reassemble the cleaning station quickly and easily convenient cleaning of individual parts. 

Developed with Industry Insights: Vikan understands the unique challenges faced by food and beverage manufacturers. HyGo was meticulously designed in collaboration with industry professionals to ensure it directly addresses their specific needs. The result is a cleaning station that not only optimises cleaning efficiency but also helps maintain high hygiene standards. 
The HyGo Mobile Cleaning Station will be available from authorised Vikan distributors in mid-April. To learn more about HyGo and how it can revolutionise your food and beverage cleaning operations, please contact a Vikan representative. 
About Vikan: 
Vikan is a global leader in hygienic cleaning solutions, providing innovative products and expertise to ensure safer and cleaner environments in the food and beverage, life science, and other industries. With over 125 years of experience, Vikan is committed to developing high-quality, cleaning tools and systems that meet the most demanding hygiene requirements. 
Aaron Patch 
Group Marketing Director 

Zum Pressefach von Vikan A/S

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