45470 Mülheim
Das Event
Join us for an afternoon filled with insights from the European Union. We are joined by representatives of the European Commission, the European Innovation Council, Enterprise Europe Network and others to discuss companies' challenges and opportunities on the road to a sustainable food tech industry.
Hans Stein, ZENIT GmbH /NRW.Europa
News from Brussels
Christos Skouras, DG GROW, European Commission
Agrifood challenges in EIC
Sara Machiels, European Innovation Council and SMEs Executive Agency (EISMEA)
Fostering interregional investments for the twin transition of the food sector – the HIGHFIVE project
Veerle de Graef, Flander´s Food and Simon Maas, Agri Food Capital
Panel discussion on challenges and solutions for a sustainable food industry
Sara Machiels, European Innovation Council and SMEs Executive Agency (EISMEA)
Dr Marie Brueser, EIT Food
Norbert Reichl, HIGHFIVE
Giada Platania, EEN / SG AgriFood
Rolanda O'Connor, CARE4BIO
Moderation: Lee Greene, FoodHub.NRW